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Expertise in a Package: A Consulting Blog

What do you do when your business needs input from an expert, but you don't have the funds to hire a full-time employee with that specific expertise? You hire a consultant, of course! You can find consultants who specialize in everything from accounting to efficiency. Hire one for a week, or hire one for a year. They can perform the necessary duties and lend their expertise while they are there, and when they are done, they'll move on to another job. To learn more about consulting and the benefits of hiring a consultant, check out the articles on this website — they discuss a wide range of consulting-related topics.


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Expertise in a Package: A Consulting Blog

How To Make The Most Of Land Surveying Services

by Carmen Fisher

Land surveying provides vital information for a wide range of projects, property transfers, insurance needs, and regulatory reporting requirements. If you're preparing to pay for land surveying services, though, you should do these five things to maximize your investment.

Pull Relevant Data

Your county's property registry should have information regarding the dimensions and character of your site. Usually, old surveys appear in the registry too. Similarly, many utility companies have data regarding where their lines are on properties. Many state agencies also have data regarding the presence of minerals, timber rights, and water.

Collect all this information so you can have a starting point. The information may be valuable in assessing, for example, whether there have been significant earth changes on the property. You will be able to compare your upcoming survey's results against the old data to find clues.

Check the Property in Person

There is no substitute for the eyeball test. Visit the property before the land surveying services company comes by so you can get a sense of where everything is. Even if you've owned the property for years, you should see its condition. If there are concerns, you can bring them up with the surveyor.

For example, you might see a hydrological feature forming that was never present. The surveyor can give it a closer look and take measurements if they know it deserves extra attention.

Establish Goals for the Survey

Your goals for a survey don't need to be complex, but they should be clear. If you're trying to find where the property line is so you can comply with local building regulations, let the surveyor know. They can focus their data reporting on what you need the most.

Place Markers

Never provide vague descriptions of potential landmarks. If you need someone to survey a specific part of a location, install some markers. If there are multiple locations on the property for the survey, use numbered or color-coded flags. Provide the land surveying team with a spreadsheet connecting the markers to where you need them to go.

Keep Everyone in the Loop

Many land surveying efforts involve multiple parties. If a buyer needs a survey so they can decide whether to purchase a property, for example, they should keep the seller in the loop. Everybody can then study the reports and sort out any potential problems. The same applies to construction and civil engineering projects. You may need to do this with surveys for easements too.

Contact a land surveying service near you to learn more. 
